Scholarship Info

Larry Little Memorial Scholarship

Picture of Larry L. Little 

Larry L. Little is one of our former members, who passed away in 2007.  Larry served in the U. S. Marine Corps for 10 years, serving two tours of duty in Viet Nam.  He was a member of Rotary Club of Romeoville, Romeoville Chamber of Commerce (Past President), Joliet Chamber of Commerce, Joliet Business Builders, Council for Working Women and the Tri-County Business Referral Club.

When he passed in 2007, we started this scholarship to honor him, and the amazing work he did.  Larry loved helping students in their educational lives. 


This scholarship is given to students who embody the same energy as Larry, Putting Service Above Self, being People of Action, and having a desire To Work, To Learn, and To Serve.  

-Students must LIVE in Romeoville, students do NOT need to attend RHS to receive this scholarship.

Click Here To Apply for the Larry Little Memorial Scholarship

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